CODE: A3402

Telegram Integration In Wolvox 8 Restaurant

Telegram integration is a system that automatically requests authorization from authorized persons via the Telegram messaging application in cases where users or waiters do not have authorization.

Transactions Valid Messages for Transaction Approval

  • Discount Transactions
  • Product Cancellation Procedures
  • Receipt Type Change
  • Treat and Non-Payment Transaction
  • Bill Cancellation Process

In order to use the integration, you must first obtain an API address via Telegram.

  • You can use the Telegram application on IOS, Android and desktop PC. Download the application to your phone from the application stores, run it and open the @BotFather chat window from the search field.@BotFather will help you create bots.

IMPORTANT: Bot creation must be done on the restaurant manager's phone. Our solution partners should never perform this operation from their own phones.

  • Upon receiving the first message from BotFather via the application, as shown below, type /start.

  • After the initial step, a second message will be sent to you. Respond to the second message as indicated below. (Send the message by typing /newbot)

  • After the /newbot command, @BotFather will ask you for the bot's name. Type the name of your bot and send it. The most important point when naming is to add the word "Bot" at the end of the name.

  • As the next step, share the BOT address received, as indicated in the image below, with the Authorized persons who will receive the confirmation messages for the process. Once the API address is entered in the restaurant program settings, starting will be done by clicking on the bot address.

  • After this process, the API address in the message starting with USE This TOKEN in step 3 will be written in the API KEY field in the Telegram Bot field in the Restaurant program Settings - Usage Settings section.

  • The Authorized person applies the start command by clicking on the bot address specified in step 3 in their Telegram application, as indicated below.

  • After applying the start command, you can enter your Wolvox username and password by typing /login.

  • The process is complete. Now, the actions performed by your waiters and cashiers will be sent to your mobile phone via the Telegram application for your approval. Approval is obtained from the selected individuals in the window below.

  • The approval message is sent to the selected individual as follows:

  • If you do not approve the transaction, a message like the one below will appear in our Restaurant program. If approval is given, the password screen will automatically close, and the process will continue.

  • Note: The "libeay32.dll" and "ssleay32.dll" files need to be downloaded and pasted into the directory where your program is installed (next to program.exe).

Download Address:




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