CODE: A2946

MSSQL Server 2019 Installation

  • Created 03.07.2020
  • Update 21.03.2025
  • Category MSSQL Server

HOW can I install MSSQL Server 2019?

For Server

1-)Run SQL2019-SSEI-Expr
2-)  Select ''Basic'' among the options.

3-)  If you are using a language that is not supported by SQL Server, click ''Yes'' to continue. Then click "Accept" to go to the next page.


4-)  In this next step, select the folder to install SQL. This folder will keep the copy of your database so that it is required to have a big size. Minimum 6.5 GB of free disk is required.

5-)  Click install to download SQL Server.

6-)  After download, installation will start on the same page. 

7-)  As soon as finishing the installation, you will see Connection String and version information on the screen that will pop up. If you click Install SSMS option, it will redirect you to a link to download Management Studio. The one shared above is the shortcut for the download link. You can run directly. 


8-)  On the Management studio installation screen, select the folder to install.   As standard, it is preferably downloaded in the disk in which SQL Server is installed. After selecting the folder, continue with ''Install'' option.

9-)  When the installation is completed, you will get this screen. 

10-)  After completing installation, run Management Studio.  Type Start > "Management Studio" .  On the new screen you must select the Server name and type in which database will be kept.  You can log in with Windows Authentication option directly (connects on Windows User mode.)

11-)  Click on the arrow in Server Name field and select "Browse for more" option.

12-)  Select the instance that you installed from Database Engine field (SQLExpress)

13-)  After making the selection, continue with OK button. 

14-)  After selection, connect.  On the first page, you must activate  "sa"(System Admin) user and define a password. Right click Security >Logins > sa user on the left and select properties option. 

15-)  First of all, select ''Enabled'' option from Status field on the left. Then define your password in the ''General'' tab and click OK.

16-)  After performing the action above, restart the system. Run Management Studio again and log in. 

17-)  When you log in, right click on the field (on the left) in Object Explorer. Right click the field at top and select Properties option. 

18-)  From Security field, select "SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode".  And complete the process with OK button.

19-)  Right click the same option and select "Register" . 

20-)  Type the server name on the new screen (SQLExpress) and select Authentication SQL Server Authentication. Enter the username "sa" and password and save.


21-)  The process is completed.  Select server name from the Additional Information tab when starting Control Panel, enter the username sa and your password, then start using your database on sql.


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