CODE: A2864

MSSQL Server 2012 Installation

  • Created 23.02.2019
  • Update 11.03.2025
  • Category MSSQL Server

SQL Server 2012 Installation

1-) Execute to setup file,
2-) We need to wait for extract process.

3-) When the extract is finish installation menu will show up. We need to select the selection on this menu as the selected area shown in the picture.

 4-) Required updates will scan on process, if there is'nt a update for sql server screen will be show as the picture. We can pass with click 'Next' button.

5-) İt will display options we can perform a new installation with the 1 option and we can update available instance with the 2 option . Choose 1 option and click Next button.

6-) Agreement screen will display at this stage. If we accept the Lisence terms please select " I accept the License terms." option after that click the 'Next' button.

7-) We can click all the option on encountered screen, no need to add Local DB, It's about the test database created by SQL.

8-) After that marking process click Next button, another setup step is Instance definition screen will show up, we can define with the name like 'WOLVOX8'. click next button.

9-) Server settings will be display, we can specify domanin name and way of working at this part. Same time can be specify Datebase engine languages sets at collation section. If database will be used with Unicode charset it needs to be changed (Ex: Arabic,Russian,Greek) Selection must be made according to the that are with different alphabet

10-) İf we finish the definitions and settings click next button, Server settings screen will be display we can specify login type, we can connect with the windows administrator when select "Windows Authentication mode". With the defined password for sa(System Admin) password can be specify at Mixed mode selection.We can choose another users manually for SQL Server manager authentication.

11-) After clicked 'Next' button, connection settings screen will be display for Native mod. We can select "Install and Configure" option at this stage.

12-) After process you can click next button.

13-) After that click again 'Next' button. Installation will be begin.

 14-) When sql installation finished. You can click to close buton.

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