CODE: A2798

MSSQL Server 2008 R8 Installation

  • Created 02.04.2015
  • Update 30.06.2021
  • Category MSSQL Server
  • For Main Computer (Server)
  • To use MSSQL database on AKINSOFT Wolvox 7 program and to make installation progress easy you can use AKINSOFT MSSQL 2008 R2 Installation (click here to download) program. This programme use to configure MSSQL Server installation wizard quickly.
  • In order to make AKINSOFT MSSQL 2008 R2 Installation program complete smoothly to your computer by AKINSOFT MSSQL 2008 R2 Installation program, Windows Installer 4.5, PowerShell and .Net FrameWork 3.5 must be installed on your computer. The links are here;
  • .Net FrameWork 3.5 
  • Windows Installer 4.5
  • After completing these programs installation without any problem, we must download MSSQL Server 2008 R2 program to our computer. PS: This MSSQL 2008 is demo version.
  • After MSSQL Server 2008 download completes, we start AKINSOFT MSSQL 2008 R8 Installation program.


  • In the SQL Server Setup File section specify the MSSQL Server 2008 Setup file directory. You can enter your own working group name in Instance(Working Group) field. In Admin Password section password that you specified is 'sa' (SQL Administrator) password. After completing all the process you can click "Start Setup" button to start MSSQL Server 2008 installation.

  • We can see that program installation goes well by looks of process as above.

  • In this "Installation Type" tab we click "Next" button with "New installation or add shared features" selected.


  • You will see "Licence Terms" tab. In here you need to select "I accept the license terms" option and click "Next" button.

  • In "Feature Selection" tab select "Database engine service" and "SQL server replication" options and click "Next" button.

  • In "Instance Configuration" screen, in "Named instance" field, name will be appear as the name we gave at the start of installation. We dont do any changes in here and just simply click "Next" button.

  • In "Server Configuration" tab click "Next" button while "Startup Type" field selected as "Automatic".
  • In "Database Engine Configuration" tab your password that you give at the beginning of setup, will be shown as *** . Do not do any change and click "Next" button.

  • Click "Next" button without doing any selection in "Error Reporting" tab.
  • At final stage you can complete installation and start to use the program.

Upgrading Database to SQL

  • After completing installation to change our Wolvox7 program database to SQL we need to make some changes at AKINSOFT Wolvox Control Panel.


  • After you open Wolvox Control Panel you will see Admin Login screen. In "Username" field by default you can enter 'sa' and in "Password" field you can enter password that you create at the beginning of our installation.

  • Before you click "OK" button at the "Further Info" tab you must select "DEFA" field as "YourComputerName\Instance (Working Group)" directory. And then click "OK" button.


  • At the "Database Selection" window choose Microsoft SQL Server and click "OK" button.


  • In "Create Database" window you can choose "Database Allignment Set" for your desire then check "Unicode Character Set" and click "OK" button. After that you are good to use the program.
  • For Client Computer(User)
  • All you have to do in Client computer is to install MSSQL Server 2008 Native Client program and you can connect server computer in Wolvox 7 without problem.
  • MSSQL Server Native Client (32 bit)
  • MSSQL Server Native Client (64 bit)

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