CODE: A3852

WOLVOX 9 Upgrade Processes

  • Created 03.07.2024
  • Update 03.07.2024
  • Category WOLVOX

You can follow the steps below to upgrade from Octopers, Octoplus, Wolvox 6, Wolvox 7 and Wolvox 8 programs to Wolvox 9.

After installing the Control Panel program and the other Wolvox 9 program you want to use, run the Control Panel program for the upgrade process. If you are using a Winodws 9 or higher operating system, you need to run the Control Panel program as administrator for one time only. To do this, right click on the program exe file and select "Run as administrator".

If you want to upgrade immediately, Click to the Upgrade by clicking on the Wolvox9 Upgrade button

In order to do the process later, you can enter the upgrade section after the program runs and use the "Wolvox 9 Upgrade" field.

Let's examine how the upgrade process takes place based on the Wolvox 8 program.

Make sure that Wolvox 8 program and Wolvox 9 programs use the same port number in order to perform the upgrade process quickly. Since your computer will not allow you to run two different software with the same port number, close your Wolvox 8 program during the upgrade process.


For example: If the Wolvox 8 program is working port 3055 and the update port is 3056, use the same port numbers for the Wolvox 9 program.

In the Wolvox 8 program, choose the Wolvox 8 directory from the directory field, because it will transfer your system data and the settings made in the Control Panel completely in the upgrade process. In the upgrade process from other programs, select the data directory.

For example: If your Wolvox 8 program is installed in the AKINSOFT folder on your C drive, C:\AKINSOFT\Wolvox8, if your Wolvox 7 program is installed in the AKINSOFT folder on your C drive, you must select the C:\AKINSOFT\Wolvox7\ database directory.

After these adjustments, click the "Start to Upgrade Process" button to start the process. The program will perform the upgrade process step by step. You can monitor it on the screen.

When the process is completed, you will see the necessary information message. The program will perform the necessary database update right after.

After these processes, you can use your Wolvox 9 program by running.

Client Setup for Wolvox 8 Program Users

Wolvox Installer upgrades the settings, designs, and other necessary files, of the Wolvox 8 version for you to use when upgrading. After setup of Installer program, continue by choosing "This computer will be used as a client" on the server setup screen.

Specify the IP number of your host computer and the update port of the Control Panel program in the Control Panel Information field on the screen that opens, and click the OK button.

When the installation process starts, check the warnings on the screen and click the next button and complete the installation. Click the finish button to complete the installation and run your program. Your settings in your Wolvox 8 program have been transferred exactly to the Wolvox 9 program.


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