CODE: A2807

Client and Stock data Transfer from Excel in WOLVOX ERP Program

In WOLVOX ERP program you can transfer your Excel tables that you prepare for Client/Stock cards. You can update existent records or you can add new records.


Client Card Transfer Details;

After you create general client and balance information in Excel, you can open Transfer-Import Client Data From Excel window and make transfer process. Choose worksheet which has data from "Data Import Worksheet" in your Excel worksheet. If your first row has title then check "First Row Contains Titles" option.


Client Excel Table;


Import Client Data From Excel window;


Stok Card Transfer Details;

After you create general stock and turnover information in Excel, you can open Transfer- Import Stok Data From Excel window and make transfer process. Like in Client Card Transfer also in here you should choose Worksheet and if first row is title then select "First Row Contains Titles" option.


Stock Excel Table;


Import Stock Data From Excel window;


When you create table in Excel do not write any Coma(,),Brackets(') characters to columbs in Client Code, Client Name, Stock Code or Stock Name fields. Otherwise it may cause problems. When you update current stock amount from Excel table, the number is added on current number. So Inventory Check is necessary after transfer process. (Exp:Stock Remain Amount=100 and turnover field = 100 then Stock Amount will be 100+100 =200)


IMPORTANT NOTE: Client and Stock transfer processes from Transfer Module are batch transfers. Because of this there might be unaware wrong or incorrect transfers. There is no mass deletion process so you have to delete one by one.

For this reason before the transfer process start, Please get your backup.


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