CODE: A3334

Wolvox Mobile Sales Android Help Guide


Open Wolvox ERP program and Admin/General Definitions/General Settings/Invoice Settings. Then change 'Use Salesperson' area as 'Invoice Based' or 'Row Based'. Make your choice as base on invoice or base on row according to how you are going to use saleperson.


Before using Mobile Sales app, salesperson user account is needed to login application.  Number  of users are depends on your licence and they are not related with Wolvox  users.  To create a salesperson account follow steps in below;

1)Open ‘Client Definition’ card in Wolvox ERP.


Fill areas in ‘General Info’  tag according to your will. Then Mark ‘Use Marketing System’ area and give a password in 'Custom Info 2' tag. You can also define percentage per product for salesperson.

  • Target Definitions

If you would like to define a target to salesperson, Wolvox ERP provides you to define sale target by weekly,monthly and annual. To define a target press 'Target Definitions' button.

Change 'Period', press 'Add' button and put some amount for that periods. 

To get report go to "Finance Management/Reports/Salesperson Reports/Salesperson Target Analysis". According to sales target and sales of salesperson, differences between target and sales can be report as above. Graph of report can be seen by pressing 'Graph' button on top right corner.

Note: Saleperson needs to be add into client definition card to link invoices with saleperson automatically. 

  • Route System

If you would like to use route system, Wolvox ERP provides you to define weekly or daily route for salesperson. And by adding clients in to route of salesperson, salesperson will have a route. Each salesperson can have their own route and they can not make any process on any client out of this route. But with an extra permession they can.

To create a route group, go to "Sales Management/Definitions/Other Definitions/Route Group Definitions".


Name the group and make comment if you would like to then press    button.

Open clients that you would like to put in route group that you created. In Costum Info 2 tab, select route group, give a sequence in route and give visit frequency for client.

To create a route, go to "Sales Management/Operations/Mobile Sales/Daily Route Planning or Weekly Route Planning".

Select days,salesperson and route group. Give vehicle licence and comment if you would like to. Press  button to complete route plan. Then press button to add clients in to plan. 

Note: If you did not select route group in client card, you can not add client in to plan

An example for daily route planning. There are some extra field in this definition. When salesperson starts a route Mobile Sales program will ask from salesperson to enter start km. When salesperson finishes route Mobile Sales program will ask from salesperson to enter finish km. 

2)Open Wolvox Mobil Server program

In order to make sale in Mobile Sales app, authorization of salesperson has to be given in Mobile Server program.

To do this, press 'Kasa, POS ve Filtre Tanımları (Admin/Cash,POS and Filter Definitions)'.

Then press saleperson and Ayarlar (Settings) buton.

Choose branch with left area

  • Cash and POS definitions can be chosen for salesperson usage.
  • Each module usage can be specified for salesperson usage. 
  • Clients that salesperson can make process can be determined by giving custom code in client card. 
  • Route groups that salesperson can make process can be chosen.
  • Clients limits can be controlled by choosing clients group.

  • Stocks that salesperson can make process can be determined by giving custom code in stock card. 
  • Warehouses(Depo) can be specified for salesperson usage.

  • Level of sent data can be chosen .


Choose salesperson then press 'Şirkete Özel Ayarlar (Company Special Settings)'.

Counters can be specified by salesperson.

Plus to editing salesperson, PDA devices settings can be set in 'PDA Ayarları (PDA Settings)' window under of Admin tab.

If you would like to control distance of data sending of salesperson according to latitude and longitude of client location, you can type meter value to this field.

Latitude and longitude of client location has to type in client definition card.

If you would like to make salesperson print documents that they created in Mobile Sales app,

  1. You should create design a document by pressing 'Printer Form Designs/Design' button.
  2. After design has been created, it has to be converted to mobile version by pressing 'Printer Form Designs/ Convert Design to Mobile Format'   

We have seen all process on Mobile Server progarm, now let's download Mobile Sales App to your device. To do this, PDA device should be in same internet with your server PC.  

Open web browser in PDA device and type what is written as 'Android Uygulama Linki (Mobile Sales App Link)' in mobil server log screen.  

Press 'İNDİR (Download)' button.

3)Open Mobile Sales app.


Open Mobile Sales App. When you open Mobile Sales app first time, program will direct you to settings page. Put static ip of sever pc into 'Host' field, port number in Mobil Server program into 'Port' field and company code into 'Co. code' field(You can find company code in control panel under of admin/ company records). Then specify other settings as you wish and press    button.

Type salesperson password that is declared in client definition window in Wolvox ERP. Then Press to 'Merkezden Veri Al (Yeni Veri Al) (Create New Data)' button. This data request can be seen in log field of Mobil Server program.

This is the main page of Mobile Sales app. Salesperson name and modules can be seen here. Let's see what you will have in modules.

Note:Every operation under of a module can be specified for salesperson in Mobile Server program.

Client operations.

Stock operations.

Invoice operations.

Order operations.

Tally(Delivery Note) operations.

Check&Voucher operation.

Press route button(If you wouldn't want to work with route system and did not create a route you can skip all route process in below. You can directly start to make process).

  1. Select route definition.
  2. Type licence plate of vehicle if you would like to.
  3. Type current km of vehicle if you would like to.
  4. Press 'Begin Route'.

Press 'Tap to select or change client.' button in below.

You will see clients in the route in this page. Status of clients in route can be seen and operation for clients can be maden in this window.

Optional: If related authorized has been given to salesperson in Mobile Server program, Salesperson can make operation on clients that in out of route by pressing '+' button.

  1. Press on a client to make a operation.

  1. Begin: Press to start operation for related client.
  2. End: Press to end operation that you started for related client before.
  3. No Operation: Press, If you did not make any operation(order or invoice) for related client.
  4. Show on Maps: Press to see client location on maps, if you entered latitude an longitude in related client card.

Now every operation that can make on clients will affect this client.

Let's get an order from this client. Press 'Order/ New Order'.


Invoice, Tally(Delivery Note) and Order page structure are nearly same. 

1.Balances and old transactions for related client can be reviewed in this section.


2.Stocks can be added by pressing '+' button. Then make a filter and choose stocks that you want to add in order.

3.Services or expensis can be added by pressing  button.

4.To see price of any stock, press button.

5.Stocks can be added by typing or scaning barcode in this field.

6.Press button to save transaction.

7.Press button to reach operations in below.

Let's check tabs on top

  • Records: Products or services that you add in order will be listed in this tab.

  • Client: Client information, like addresses can be displayed in this tab.

  • Info: General info(Vat,Due)about document can be displayed in this tab.

  • FCY: Foreign currency that used or will be used in document can be displayed in this tab.

  • Discount: Discounts that used or will be used in document can be displayed in this tab.

Let's add a product to transaction.

Let's change quantity and price of this product now. Press on product.

Press 'Qty' to change quantity.

Type quantity and press '' button.

Press price to change price.

Type price and press '' butoon.

After adding stocks or expenses, you can check sub totals by pressing   button. 

Press   button to save transaction.

After you complete all transaction with the first client in route, you need to finalize operation for this client and choose the next one. Press on client name in below of screen.

Press on current client name and press 'End'.


Explanation and date of next visit can be entered in this window.

Choose next client and start to process. When you finalize operations for all clients in route, go to main page and press 'Route'.

Type finsih km if you like, then press 'End Route' button.

Now you are ready to send data to server. To do this press 'Sync' button in main page.

Type the password and press 'Send Data' button. 

Note: When any changes has been maden by server or other clients computers, do not forget to receive data!

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