CODE: A2974

Variant Creation Procedures in AKINSOFT E-Commerce Program

It is a field that you can use to quickly create variant products that you will sell or promote on your page. You can access the variant creation screen by clicking on the variant operations opened after logging into the product properties tab on the product card. In order to create a variant, color and size must first be defined. You can make color and size definitions from the color and size management field under the heading "Other".




To create a color registration, click the Add New button next to the color header.


After writing the color name, indicate the color code. If you do not know the color code, choose from the theme colors field that opens when you click the color code field to add. The program will automatically transfer the color code.




Click the Add New button on the side of the size head to create a size registry.



After writing the color name, indicate the color code. If you do not know the color code, choose from the theme colors field that opens when you click the color code field to add. The program will automatically transfer the color code.


After the color and size creation process, open the product record where you will create the variant movements and click on the variant operations from the Product Features title. Click the Add New button and select the size group in the page that opens.



The sizes depending on the group you choose and the colors you create will be active. Mark the ones you want to create the variant operation and click the save button. If you want the product name to include color and size information, tick the relevant boxes.


The program will create variants after this process. When you choose the category to which the variants belong, options will be added depending on the variants you have created in the filtering criteria, so your visitors will be able to quickly access the products they are looking for.





If you do not want to view the variant operationdetails, if you want the processes to be made by selecting from the main stock, enter the settings field on the panel. Save by checking the "Show Variant Product in the List" option in the product list area.




When you enter the product detail page, the color and size selection field will be active. When you choose the color you want from here, the program will allow your visitors to choose by showing the product image added on the relevant product card.

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