CODE: A2781

I get virus alerts when installing AKINSOFT CafePlus program. What should I do?

   Filter program used in CafePlus and CafePlus blocking restricted sites and programs limitation system, has been making serious changes in the system. For this, both used the codes and install  the driver have been caused a false alarm at some anti virus programs.

     Some anti virus programs give alarm  like "HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Generic".  Here mentioned "HEUR" expression of anti-virus software detected the problem shows via heuristic scanning.  So in fact, expresses not virus, as like as virus. Some cautioned that "mchInjDrv.sys" file can be specified as dangerous. This file is a driver that is installed by CafePlus. Therefore, during the CafePlus installation, it must be disabled anti-virus software within itself framework.

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