CODE: A2901

Forex Rate download settings



On Wolvox ERP 7 program shorcut, follow right click => Settings => Open file location ("Find target" ). On the opening window, open file starting as "Setting_" in Settings => Ini folder. Go to ''kur download=True'' field on the 3rd row. Delete True and type False instead and save the file. (Apply this process on all files which are starting as "Setting_".)

On Wolvox 6 program shorcut, follow right click => Settings => Open file location ("Find target" ). On the opening window, open "Setting" file in Settings => Ini folder. Go to ''kur download=True'' field on the 10th row. Delete True and type False instead and save the file.


On Octoplus 6/Octopers 5 program shorcut, follow right click => Settings => Open file location ("Find target"). On the opening window, open Ayar.ini file in Data => INI folder. In the opening file go to ''kur download=True'' field. Delete True and type False instead and save the file.

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